News, Page 14
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TAYLOR Awarded IDE Volkswagen Remodel
TAYLOR awarded expansion and renovation of IDE Volkswagen, part of the IDE Family of Dealerships.

Team Taylor Goes Over the Edge For Urban Scouting in the City of Rochester
Chris Marron, Amy Taylor, and Joseph Schuler rappel during the 7th Annual “21 Stories For Scouts” fundraising event.

Jim Taylor Presents Fisher’s Community Champion Award to Cody Wiktorski and Danielle Famolaro
Jim Taylor presented the Community Champion Awards at the Fourth Annual Senior Athlete Awards Banquet.

Taylor – The Builders Launch New Website
TAYLOR announces the launch of its new corporate website.

TAYLOR Launches New Southern Tier Office
TAYLOR is proud to announce the official opening of its construction sales and support office in Ithaca, New York.

Taylor Awarded Construction Contract for Southern Tier Pediatrics in Big Flats
TAYLOR has begun construction on a design build project with local Horseheads-based developer L Enterprises. Construction work is underway, with a project completion date of April, 2016.