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Tag: Fundraising

Taylor, Passero, Wegmans Go Over the Edge for Urban Scouting

As part of the 15th Annual Seneca Waterways Council "21 Stories for Scouts" rappelling event, members of our staff as well as friends and family rappel around 21 stories down the Kodak Tower in Downtown Rochester.

Taylor, Passero, Hope Hall School Go Over The Edge For Urban Scouting

Geoffrey Cook, Jamie Devanney, Wendy Ball, Jamie Wolmering, Allison Lia, Adam Jay Rappel During the 14th Annual “21 Stories for Scouts” Event at Historic Kodak Tower in the City of Rochester                   
21 Stories for Scouts

Taylor Continues History of Going Over The Edge For Urban Scouting

Team Taylor rappels During the 13th Annual “21 Stories for Scouts” Event at Historic Kodak Tower.

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